How much in child support will I need to pay for the support of my children?

As a family law lawyer at Koletsky Mancini Feldman & Morrow the most common question I get asked is: How much in child support will I need to pay for the support of my children? Is there anything you can do for me so that I do not have to pay a high support amount? I barely make ends meet.

The DissoMaster program is used by almost all family law professionals and the court to determine guideline child and spousal support payments. It has been used throughout the state for over 20 years. The DissoMaster program is one of the few programs certified by the California Judicial Council for use in making support calculations and was designed by attorneys to follow the guidelines set out in the California Family Code.

This computer program generates support guidelines based primarily on a party’s earnings, expenses and time share with the children. Typically the higher the earnings and less time spent with the children means a higher support figure. The result generated by DissoMaster software is used as a guideline during negotiations, but the parties are always free to agree on a support amount other than the result calculated by the software.

And that’s your one minute law.